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Join the Club! Early Social Life at J&J

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By Margaret Gurowitz
Aug 09, 2006


Early Johnson & Johnson employees belonged to a variety of social clubs and groups, and took a wide range of classes offered by the Company.  The Company organized classes in hygiene, gymnastics, millinery (hat making), embroidery and English instruction.  At one point, up to two-thirds of our early employees were Hungarian immigrants, and employee notices and signs had to be written in both English and Hungarian.  Circa 1907, women employees at Johnson & Johnson had a basketball team, a Glee Club and a lending library, and also did charity work at a local New Brunswick orphanage.  Male employees belonged to clubs as well – as these photos from the “J&J Hikerage Club" show. 

J&J Hikerage Club Group Photo   Hikerage Club Members
A Member of the Hikerage Club

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